Portal Planning, design, development


With the good analyze of your business we talk with the Architect to find the possible infrastructure solutions that fit your environment. This must be scaled up and scaled out to be sure we can cover any later change requests.

Functional Planning

Features – Collaboration, Business Processes, Content Management, Enterprise Search, KPIs/Dashboards/Reports, Infopath forms, Web 2.0
Versions – Sharepoint 2013, Sharepoint 2013 Foundation, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2010 Foundation
Portal Taxonomy - Site map and structure to make it easy to find content on your SharePoint Portal
Term Sets – search, find and filter documents or items assigned to a term
Integrations with 3-rd parties applications

Technical Planning

SharePoint Farm Architecture - Single-server or Multi-server farm; Failover, redundancy and disaster recovery; Authentication methods for each type of portals (Intranet, Extranet, Internet) Kerberos, NTLM or Form Based Authentication (FBA) with LDAP or SQL users based on security constraints.
Technical Infrastructure - Hardware sizing; Windows Foundation, Standard, Data Center; SQL Server Express, Standard or Enterprise; 32-bit or 64-bit

Implementation Planning

Resources - Project Manager, Business Analyst, SharePoint Developer; Internal or External leadership
Cost - Software licensing, Hardware infrastructure, and External labor
Schedule - Phased or Big-bang; 6 weeks or 6 months